Mitch Finley is a former adjunct instructor in the Religious Studies Department at Gonzaga University. He is the award winning author of more than thirty books on themes of interest to Catholic readers, including It's Not the Same Without You: Coming Home to the Catholic Church, The Rosary Handbook, and Key Moments in Church History. He earned a BA in Religious Studies from Santa Clara University and an MA in Theology from Marquette University.
Kathy Finley for more than thirty years taught in the Religious Studies Department at Gonzaga University. She earned a BA in Theology from Gonzaga University, an MA in Religious Education from Fordham University, and an MA in Counseling Psychology from Gonzaga University. She speaks regularly about spirituality and family life at workshops around the country. She is a licensed mental health counselor, a spiritual director, and the award winning author of several other books, including Building a Christian Marriage: 11 Essential Skills and Dear God: Prayers for Families with Children. To learn more about the Finleys visit