The following papers, with the exception of Mr. Shapley's, contain the substance of addresses given at Jacob Sleeper Hall, Boston, on the two-hundredth anniversary of Kant's birth, April 22, 1924. A few alterations and additions have been made here and there in preparing the materials for the press; but the papers remain substantially as delivered. It is hoped that they may be of interest to a wider public.
--From the Editor's Preface by E.C. Wilm
Opening Words by George Herbert Palmer, Emeritus Professor of Natural Religion, Moral Philosophy, and Civil Polity, Harvard University
Knowledge by Mary Whiton Calkins, Professor and Civil Polity, Wellesley College
Ethics by E.C. Wilm, Professor of Philosophy, Boston University
The Postulates by W.E. Hocking, Professor of Philosophy, Harvard University
Science by Harlow Shapley, Director, Harvard Observatory
Art by Kuno Francke, Curator, Germanic Museum, Harvard University
Law by Roscoe Pound, Dean, Harvard Law School
Peace by Gerhart von Schulze-Gaevernitz, Professor of Economics, University of Freiburg