Mindful Spirituality
The Intentional Cultivation of the Spiritual Life: A Book of Daily Readings
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
The world, contrary to popular understanding, is not less religious but in many ways more religious than ever. Two issues seem to be emerging in this resurgence. One is the need for a spiritual center that gives integration, a sense of inner peace, ethical guidance, and meaning and direction in life. It is present in most of the world's great religious traditions and present elsewhere as humans seek to find their way in a confusing, conflicted, and rapidly changing world. Accompanying this quest for a deeper spirituality is the "God question" and a desire to understand the divine in new ways that match a contemporary worldview. This book, Mindful Spirituality, invites the reader to find a thoughtful, credible, and satisfying way to address these two major concerns. While starting within a Christian frame of reference, the book is not exclusive, but ecumenical and interfaith in spirit. It is especially helpful to those with no set spiritual pathway and those disenchanted with traditional approaches that seem out of date and for another era. In a deep and sacred way, it invites the reader to reach upward for a thoughtful way of understanding transcendence, to open inward for a mature and gratifying spirituality, and to expand outward in responsible and loving service.
Duncan S. Ferguson has served in the church and higher education as a chaplain, professor, and senior administrator. He received his PhD from the University of Edinburgh and has had an interest in writing across his career. His recent books are Exploring the Spirituality of the World Religions (2010), Lovescapes: Mapping the Geography of Love (2012), and The Radical Teaching of Jesus (2016). He is currently engaged in several programs related to international peace and justice.
“This unique book is a treasury of priceless wisdom and guidance to help us embrace the bewildering mystery of existence and divinity, evolve into the fullness of our being and aspire to be of authentic service to creation.”
—Imam Jamal Rahman, author of Sacred Laughter of the Sufis
“Duncan Ferguson has given us a set of daily meditations that speak to our yearning for a deep spirituality in time of religious doubt and ethical confusion. It blends wisdom from many faith traditions to shape our lives to greater meaning and purpose. This book uplifts and illuminates even as it gives the pleasure of engaging and lucid writing.”
—Mark Valeri, Professor of Religion and Politics, John C. Danforth Center, Washington University, St. Louis