Wonsuk Ma—Tragedy of Spirit-Empowered Heroes: A Close Look at Samson and Saul
Tim Bulkeley—How Can a Man Read Esther?
Jacqueline Grey—Navigating the Empire: Esther As a Model of Marginalization
Tim Meadowcroft—Wise Participation in the Divine Life: Lessons From the Life of Daniel
Teresa Chai—Old Testament Pedagogy on Mission
Dave Johnson—Gideon and the Angel of the Lord: An Anthropological Perspective on
Judges 6:11-40
Tham Wan—Asian Theological Education Now and Then: An Asian Pentecostal Pastor-
Educator’s Survey of Theological Education
Lian Sian Mung—The Charismatic and Non-Charismatic Roles of the Spirit in Isaiah 11:1-5
Itzhaq Shai, with Chris McKinny, Benjamin Yang and Deborah Cassuto—Illuminating a
Canaanite and Judahite Town: The Archaeological Background of Tel Burna
Adelina C. Ladera—Kay Fountain: Historical-Biographical Sketch
The Editors
Teresa Chai, PhD, is the academic dean at the Asia Pacific Theological Seminary in Baguio City, Philippines and is a past president of Alpha Omega College in Malaysia. She also served for eight years as a missionary in Bangladesh and is the author of numerous articles in various publications.
Dave Johnson, DMiss, has been a missionary to the Philippines since 1994. He currently serves as a faculty member at APTS as well as the managing editor of the Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies and the director of APTS Press. He is the author of Led by the Spirit: The History of the American Assemblies of God Missionaries in the Philippines and Theology in Context: A Case Study in the Philippines.