John Polkinghorne, KBE FRS (born in 1930) is an English theoretical physicist, theologian, and Anglican priest. A prominent and leading voice explaining the relationship between science and religion, he was professor of mathematical physics at the University of Cambridge from 1968 to 1979, became an ordained Anglican priest in 1982 and served as the president of Queens’ College, Cambridge, from 1988 to 1996.
Michael Welker, (born in 1947) was a professor of theology at the German universities of Tübingen, Münster, and Heidelberg and frequently a guest professor in the Anglo-American world (McMaster, Princeton, Harvard, Emory, and Cambridge). He is an honorary professor at Seoul Theological University, senior professor at the University of Heidelberg, and director of its Research Center International and Interdisciplinary Theology (FIIT). He has organized many international and interdisciplinary research projects that related theology and science, theology and law, theology and economy.