We have too often missed the point that it is the community of faith, the church, that is called to be a sign, instrument, and in particular a foretaste of the reign of God. So what would an appetizer of God's coming reign look like anyway? The focus of this book is not only on what a church does but how it goes about doing what it does. The common life and shared ministry of the church are a powerful witness to God's loving and reconciling activity. A world wracked with fear, incivility, win-lose competition, and anger calls for churches that manifest the fruit of the Holy Spirit. This book dives into the key leadership behaviors that cultivate transformed and transforming faith communities--skills that every church leader and leadership team need to know, learn, and practice.
Paul Dietterich, ThD in Practical Theology, is Executive Director Emeritus of the Center for Parish Development. As a pastor-consultant-researcher-teacher-writer, he has brought the theological and social science fields together in critical dialogue in service to the church.
“Foretaste offers an actionable blend of ecclesiology and organization studies. Its guidance and tools facilitate assessment of congregational climate and missional transformation. Paul Dietterich brings a lifetime of experience to the topic of missional church leadership.”
—Kent D. Miller, Professor of Management, Michigan State University
“A real gift for church leaders seeking to engage in the renewal of congregational life and ministry. Paul Dietterich offers a comprehensive summary of the lessons learned from years of study and consulting in thinking about congregations from a theologically informed organizational perspective. The church seeking to experience life as the 'foretaste' of the good news embodied in the already-present kingdom of God is the operational understanding that Paul provides to every aspect of its organizational life. This book is a valuable read for anyone who takes seriously God's intent and purpose for creating the church.”
—Craig Van Gelder, Professor Emeritus Congregational Mission, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota
“Foretaste is a real treasure—the rich and mature fruit of fifty years of research, experience, and communal reflection by Paul Dietterich, along with the staff of the Center for Parish Development. The six practical behaviors for creating the framework for forming a missional church provide an excellent resource for ministerial leadership. . . . One is invited to embrace a new vision of church centered in God’s mission.”
—Roger Schroeder, Professor of Mission and Culture, Catholic Theological Union at Chicago
“These days, it seems, everybody wants transformation. Hardly any can say clearly from what form or to which alternative, nor how to get from here to there. Paul Dietterich is well suited to fill in the blanks. His mastery of the research on organizational climate, his fifty years of experience with churches and their leaders, and his theological rootedness hold promise for revolutionizing the way leaders approach and fulfill their calling.”
—George R. Hunsberger, Emeritus Professor of Missiology, Western Theological Seminary, Holland, Michigan