One of the most contested questions in historical theology concerns John Calvin's understanding of the so-called "extent of the atonement." On a popular level, Calvin's name is closely associated with the "limited atonement" stance canonized within the "TULIP" acronym. But did Calvin himself insist upon a strictly particularist view of Christ dying for the elect alone? This study re-examines the evidence in the primary sources, traces the diversity of resulting historical trajectories, and engages the spectrum of secondary scholarship. Undoubtedly, Calvin believed in unconditional election, but he also spoke on multiple occasions of Christ dying for "all" or for "the world"--yet what did he mean? Some may find the conclusions surprising, but all should find them cogently articulated and irenically tempered.
Paul Hartog is Professor of Theology at Faith Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of numerous books on early Christianity.
“This book has all of the characteristics that make a historical theology study significant. It is balanced, precise, thorough, and readable. Hartog skillfully sorts through Calvin’s works and the multitude of secondary sources and brings the study to an insightful conclusion. The twenty-five-page bibliography is itself worth the price of the book. I highly recommend it.”
—Larry Pettegrew, Research Professor of Theology, Shepherds Theological Seminary
“This is hands down the best work on the subject of Calvin’s view on the extent of the atonement. Hartog’s treatment is comprehensive, thorough, judicious, balanced, and irenic. Here is scholarship at its best. This study would seem to settle the issue in favor of the position that Calvin himself held the view that there is a universal provision in Christ’s death and that Calvin never taught what we know today as ‘limited atonement.’ Highly recommended!”
—David Allen, Dean of the School of Preaching, Distinguished Professor of Preaching, Director of the Southwestern Center for Expository Preaching, and George W. Truett Chair of Ministry, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
“In this densely-argued and even more densely-footnoted study, Paul Hartog has done what many might have thought impossible at this point: shed fresh light into the tangled thicket of the long debate on Calvin, ‘Calvinism,’ and limited atonement. Deftly weaving his way through the voluminous scholarship, Hartog persuasively argues that Calvin, respectful of the diverse biblical testimony on the issue, taught both a universal and a particular aspect to Christ’s atoning work. In so doing, Hartog adds his voice to a growing chorus calling for Reformed teachers today to recognize the nuance and diversity of their tradition on this central mystery of the Christian faith.”
—W. Bradford Littlejohn, President, The Davenant Institute