The Only Alternative
Christian Nonviolent Peacemakers in America
by Alan Nelson and John Malkin
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
Alan Nelson was a clinical psychologist who worked closely with Carl Rogers. In 1978 Nelson founded a nonprofit organization called the Peace Project, which he directed until his death in 2002. He also helped to create and lead the American Psychological Association's Peace Psychology Division as well as Psychologists for Social Responsibility, an independent nonprofit organization. Nelson's work appeared in the American Psychologist, the Journal of Peace Psychology, and the Journal of Humanistic Psychology.
John Malkin is a writer and musician based in Santa Cruz, California, where he hosts a weekly radio program focusing on social change and spiritual liberation. He is the author of Sounds of Freedom, a book of interviews with fifteen musicians. His interviews and writing have appeared in numerous magazines, including Sojourners, Buddhadharma, Shambhala Sun, Namarupa, Z Magazine, In These Times, Mandala, AlterNet (, and the Sun.