Daniel D. Whedon (1808-1885) was a prominent university professor, theologian, and author. He served as Professor of Ancient Languages at Wesleyan University in Connecticut; as Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Michigan; and as editor of the Methodist Quarterly Review from 1856 to1884. He authored numerous books including Commentary on the New Testament (New York: Carlton & Porter, 1860); Commentary on the Old Testament (New York: Nelson & Phillips, 1873); What is Arminianism? (Toronto: W. Briggs, 1879); and Essays, Reviews, and Discourses (New York: Phillips & Hunt, 1887)
About the Editor:
John D. Wagner, a Biblical Studies student at Trinity Theological Seminary, is the editor of Redemption Redeemed: A Puritan Defense of Unlimited Atonement by John Goodwin. He has a master's degree in Journalism from University of Arizona and has studied and debated the Calvinism vs. Arminianism controversy for many years.