Ardith Baker is a wife, mother, grandmother, educator, and businessperson who seeks to serve the Lord in all aspects of her life. She is an assistant professor of business at Oral Roberts University and editor of the Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Christians in Higher Education. She has a Bachelor of Science Education degree in biology from Pittsburg State University and a master's in statistics from Oklahoma State University. In addition, she is a doctoral student in applied management and decision sciences-operations research at Walden University.
David Wesley Whitlock serves as the Associate Provost at Southwest Baptist University and is a bivocational minister, serving Wellspring Fellowship in Bolivar, Missouri. His previous books with Wipf and Stock Publishers/Resource Publications include Opportunity: Introducing Free Enterprise and Business, and two books coedited with Gordon Dutile: A Noble Calling: Devotions and Essays for Business Professionals and Psalm 15: Integrating Faith and Work. He and his wife, Dana, have four sons.