Prior to 1800, mission societies had been composed exclusively of men. Then, on October 9 of that year, Miss Mary Webb gathered together fourteen Baptist and Congregational women and organized the Boston Female Society for Missionary Purposes. It would consist of . . . females who are disposed to contribute their mite towards so noble a design as diffusion of gospel light among the shades of darkness and superstition"; dues were set at $2.00 annually.
So began a movement which was to spread throughout Massachusetts and, eventually, the entire country.
Initially, however, progress was slow. Male prejudice opposed even the practice of women meeting together for prayer and contributing funds to mission work. And even after the role of women as fund-raisers was generally accepted there remained the reluctance of church mission boards to give to women a share in policy and decision making. Eventually the women organized their own missionary sending societies; these groups were largely responsible for sending single women into the mission fields - another practice which had long been opposed by denominational boards.
R. Pierce Beaver traces the development of this fascinating movement, paying attention not only to its broad outlines, but also to the individual pioneers who led the way.