It was the day after Christmas in 1538. Guests were gathered around the table as Martin Luther spoke these words:
You parents can provide no better gift for your children than an education in the liberal arts. House and home burn down, but an education is easy to carry along.
Luther was well-versed in the classics. He frequently commended a liberal arts education--but much of that had been forgotten by succeeding generations.
Today, however, classical Lutheran education is enjoying a renaissance. This book is being reprinted in hopes of renewing such an interest among those who educate in school or at home.
This reproduction has been made possible through some generous gifts from the Biblical Charities Foundation and from the Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education together with the expert help of Wipf and Stock Publishers.
Re. Joel A. Brondos,Headmaster
Zion Lutheran Academy, Fort Wayne, IN
November, 2002
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