Beyond Theological Tourism
Mentoring as a Grassroots Approach to Theological Education
Edited by Susan Thistlethwaite and George F. Cairns
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
Since the early days of liberation theology, Northern Hemisphere theological education has used the phrase solidarity with the oppressed to denote the religiously and morally appropriate response to situations of violence and oppression. Yet efforts to inculcate solidarity of heart and mind often devolve into a kind of theological tourism wherein professors and students visit oppressed communities without truly participating as subjects in the subjectivity of the marginalized.
'Beyond Theological Tourism' shows how one group of theological teacher-mentors and students attempt to overcome the limits of visits as tourists of the revolution to exotic locations. Starting from the challenge of Robert Evans of the Plowshares Institute, a group of Chicago-based Christians struggled with new modes of education for prospective ministers.
The editors and contributors--Claude Marie Barbour, Clinton E. Stockwell, Anthony J. Gittins, C.S.Sp., Eleanor Doidge, Yoshiro Ishida, Heidi Hadsell, Dow Edgerton, Kathleen Billman, Peggy DesJarlait, and Depaul Genska, O.F.M.--have put together a book of active collaboration, insightful debate, and self-critical analysis. Theological tourism, they find, is counterproductive and may give the wrong lessons. An immersion that respects the subjectivity and cultural integrity of the persons among whom middle-class trainees work and live can be marvelous experiences for both host communities and their visitors . . . but successful immersion is dauntingly difficult to do.
Susan B. Thistlethwaite and George F. Cairns are professors at Chicago Theological Seminary, where they are known for their insights into the training of church workers and ways of bringing the particular resources of women and minorities into play for the church.
"A tried and proven model of learning that goes beyond surface encounters to lead to a genuine transformation in the way ministry will have to be done in a globalized world. It offers not only a method for training but something of the attitudes and spirituality that will support a new way of ministering."
Robert J. Schreiter, Author of 'Constructing Local Theologies'
"The connection between 'thinking globally and acting locally' is pursued with energy and creativity by a group of theological educators from Chicago. . . . This bold approach to grassroots mentoring should be illuminating for those who seek a more grounded perspective in the preparation for ministry."
Alice Frazer Evans and Robert A. Evans, Directors, Plowshares Institute