Lisa M. Wolfe is Professor in the Endowed Chair of Hebrew Bible at Oklahoma City University, where she started teaching in fall 2007. Lisa grew up in northeastern Ohio, in the city of Stow. She received her BA in Psychology from the University of Colorado in Boulder in 1990, where she was active in the Wesley Foundation. She received her MDiv from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, OH in 1996, and was ordained in the United Church of Christ in 2000. Over the years she has served more than six different churches and numerous church camps, specializing in Youth Ministry, Christian Education, and Interim Ministry. Lisa received her PhD in Hebrew Bible from Northwestern University's joint program with Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Religious and Theological Studies in July of 2003. She became Assistant Professor of Old Testament at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, OH, where she later served as Director of the Harriet L. Miller Women's Center, Academic Program Coordinator, and Lecturer in Old Testament and Women's Studies. In 2010, Lisa's DVD Bible Study series, "Uppity Women of the Bible," was released. Cascade Press published the companion book to that series, Ruth, Esther, Song of Songs and Judithin 2011. In addition, Lisa has authored over thirty entries for The New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible. Currently Lisa is working on a book project on Ecclesiastes. Above all, Lisa enjoys teaching on these topics and others not only at OCU, but also in local churches of various denominations. Lisa is a member of Church of the Open Arms United Church of Christ in Oklahoma City, OK. Lisa and her husband have two children.