This book presents peace and reconciliation as an integral part of the gospel message. Thoughtful chapters by seven experienced church leaders and scholars-including John H. Yoder, Robert Ramseyer, Richard Showalter, and Ronald J. Sider-clarify the nature of the gospel. The authors suggest how an evangelistic and peace emphasis can be kept together in the mission of the church throughout the world.
These essays serve as a corrective to those who would reduce the "essentials" of the gospel to doctrinal and creedal statements apart from ethics and church order. All Christians can benefit from a careful consideration of this discussion.
"As we ponder the question of our missionary task in the world today, we need desperately to return to the New Testament understanding that there can be no saving faith apart from Christian living.
"We will want to make far more clear that we have in the past that there is no such thing as a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ who does not follow Him in the way of peace."
-Robert L. Ramseyer
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