The value of a Francis of Assisi or a John Wesley is not exhausted by their heavenly citizenship. We want to know how they behaved on earth--how they controlled their human passions and made themselves the instruments of God. That aspect gives abiding interest in this book. Dr. Rattenbury has certainly succeeded in treating the story of the Wesleys in a style that will appeal not only to Methodists but to anyone who understands something of the enduring significance of the Evangelical Revival.
"So interesting that I could not put it down, and so illuminating that I have had to re-read it. Dr. Rattenbury has an easy, finished style and there is not a dull page in the book."
--Arnold Lunn
"These papers study with a rare sympathy and insight both his teaching and his psychology and disclose aspects of his character that are often lost sight of. This book is sure of a hearty welcome both from Methodists and from students of English church history."
--The Scotsman
"The contribution it makes to the literature of Methodism is a notable one and will be warmly welcomed."
--The Church of England Newspaper
"We recommend this volume to all who are interested in the Evangelical Revival, as a fresh, interesting and detailed study of the subject, characterized by those great qualities of mind and heart that we have all long since learned to associate with the writer."
--Henry Bett in The Methodist Recorder
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