Dr. Richard H. Cox writes from the perspective of a musician and music educator who holds earned doctorates in medicine, psychology, and theology and has been awarded three honorary doctorates. He is widely respected and regularly invited to present clinics, perform, and to conduct for national and international organizations such as the National Trumpet Competition, International Trumpet Guild, Midwest Clinic, Association of Concert Bands, and Interlochen Center for the Arts. He is an artist/clinician for Conn-Selmer, Inc. Dr. Cox's teachers and mentors have included Renold Schilke, Wesley Hanson, Bill Adams, Ronald Modell, Frank Kaderabek, Jim Elswick, John Blount, Alan Hood, Dennis Edelbrock, and David Zuercher. He has assisted hundreds of students and well-known professional musicians with psychological, physiological, medical, and other performance challenges. He is Professor and President Emeritus of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology and is a former Provost and Professor at the Colorado School of Professional Psychology.