That Their Work Will Be a Joy
Understanding and Coping with the Challenges of Pastoral Ministry
by Cameron Lee and Kurt Fredrickson
Imprint: Cascade Books
For those who are called to it, pastoral ministry can be a source of deep joy. But there are also challenges. An increasing number of pastors seem to be burning out under the load. Congregations may not be aware of the many and conflicting demands placed on a pastor's time and energies, nor the pastor's need for rest and personal support.
That Their Work Will Be a Joy was written to encourage mutual understanding between pastors and congregations about the stresses of ministry. The authors present five principles that will help ministry remain more of a joy than a burden. Every chapter contains practical recommendations targeted specifically for pastors, congregational leaders, and even seminarians preparing for ministry. A dozen personal responses to the book, written as letters from people in ministry, have been collected together at the end.
The book is helpful as a ministry preparation text, a guide for those serving as pastors, or as a discussion starter for pastors support groups. It will help church committees smooth a pastoral transition, or calm seminary graduates anticipating their first placement. The hope is that stressed-out pastors will recover their sense of vocation, and congregations will begin to fulfill their calling as the body of Christ.
Cameron Lee is Professor of Family Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. He is the author of four previous books, including Unexpected Blessing: Living the Countercultural Reality of the Beatitudes (2004) and two books on ministers' families. He is a teaching pastor at Hillside Community Church in Alta Loma, California.
Kurt Fredrickson is Associate Dean for Doctor of Ministry and Continuing Education, and Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. Previously, he was on the pastoral staff of Simi Covenant Church, Simi Valley, California, for twenty-four years, including eighteen as senior pastor.
"With biblical wisdom, Spirit-filled sensitivity, and cultural awareness, seasoned pastor-teachers Lee and Fredrickson offer a timely book. Personally acquainted with the joys and dangers of ministry, their practical insights will lead seminarians, pastors, and congregations to discover themselves and each other anew as the called people of God."
--Jaco J. Hamman, Western Theological Seminary
"This book masterfully unveils to congregants the joy and challenges for pastors as they work within the church as the body of Christ. If congregants enact even a few of the book's practical suggestions to support their pastor and church, everyone will be healthier and stronger for it."
--Rae Jean Proeschold-Bell, Duke Clergy Health Initiative and Duke Global Health Institute
"The work of a pastor is both a joy and a burden, a calling and plain hard work. No one understands this better than the authors of That Their Work Will Be a Joy. They have taught and encouraged many pastors who have succumbed to burnout or stress, and also guided many through the maze of challenges that face all people-healers . . . I strongly recommend it as a must-read for all seminary students as well."
--Archibald D. Hart, Fuller Theological Seminary
"A practical guide for living an authentic life in the ministry. Lee and Fredrickson generously share from their own experiences and introduce the major areas of life in ordained ministry. That Their Work Will Be a Joyis a wise companion for ministers and the congregations who love them."
--Jeanie M. Thorndike, Presbytery of Los Ranchos
"Anyone who has served as a pastor knows there is joy in serving the Lord in the local church. The authors underscore the joys, but also paint a realistic picture of the challenges: relational demands, conflict, expectations, overwork, burnout, and other critical issues . . . Not only is the book realistic; it is also practical. It provides insights and sound advice about how pastors can exercise self-care, and how congregations can effectively undergird their pastors."
--Reggie Thomas, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary
"Out of the tension between the ideal and the actual, the authors have forged five principle-based habits or patterns that, if shared by pastors and their congregations, would create new life and effectiveness in any church. Each chapter's postscripts--written for pastors, congregants, and seminarians--are alone worth the cost of the book."
--Michael B. Ross, The Pastors Institute
"Written in accessible language for congregational leaders, pastors, and seminarians alike, this book is full of tangible content, concepts, and insights that will spark the kind of deeper understanding needed for effective partnership. Of value to the individual, I particularly recommend its use for group study, bringing together clergy and lay leaders."
--Gary Walter, The Evangelical Covenant Church
"Though pastoral ministry is one of the most fulfilling calls a Christian can have, it is inherently challenging and stressful. I know of many colleagues who have left the church or wanted to leave, but felt trapped and unsupported. That Their Work Will Be a Joy is written for both clergy and laity to understand the pressures pastors face, and the proactive steps that can be taken to develop and maintain healthy lives and congregations."
--Wayne Walters, Fuller Theological Seminary