Howard A. Snyder is Visiting Director of the Manchester Wesley Research Centre in Manchester, England. He has served as a pastor and as a professor at Asbury Theological Seminary (1996-2006), Tyndale Seminary in Toronto (2007-2012), and elsewhere. His books include The Problem of Wineskins, The Radical Wesley, Models of the Kingdom, and Salvation Means Creation Healed (with Joel Scandrett).
Joel Scandrett is Assistant Professor of Historical Theology and Director of the Robert E. Webber Center at Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA. Dr. Scandrett received his PhD in Historical and Systematic Theology from Drew University, where he studied under Thomas Oden and served as both Research Director and Translations Project Director for the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture. Before coming to Trinity School for Ministry, Dr. Scandrett taught theology at Wheaton College, Northern Seminary, and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and served as an Associate Academic Editor at InterVarsity Press. Dr. Scandrett is also a priest in the Anglican Church of North America.