Faith Forming Faith
Bringing New Christians to Baptism and Beyond
Foreword by Diana Butler Bass
Imprint: Cascade Books
Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church in Seattle discovered that by forming the faith of new Christians and leading them to the waters of baptism, they as a parish were renewed and revitalized for mission in the world. Faith Forming Faith describes the year-long process of faith mentoring that has become the center of this congregation's ministry. Hoffman's easy narrative style weaves together solid pastoral and theological insights with the practical, real-life stories of lives transformed by a vibrant new faith--the lives of newcomers and long-time members alike. This is a great primer for anyone wanting more than a pastor's class, more than another curriculum. It is a book for pastors, parish leaders, or seminarians. But it's also a great witness to a skeptical, questioning world outside the Church as well, showing that a life of faith can be lived in a secular, questioning culture.
Paul E. Hoffman is Lead Pastor at Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church in Seattle, Washington. For the past fifteen years, along with other staff members and committed lay leaders, he has led The WAY at Phinney Ridge, a contemporary adaptation of the ancient ministry of the Adult Catechumenate. Paul Hoffman's website is
"This is the book for which many of us have been waiting. In our new, post-Christendom time the critical need for faith formation--catechesis--has now been understood and accepted. But how? How to do faith formation for adults, for seekers, for a new time? Paul Hoffman's inspiring report on 'The WAY' goes a long way toward answering not only the 'why' and 'what,' but also the crucial 'how' question. Invaluable."
-Anthony B. Robinson
President, Congregational Leadership Northwest
"Paul Hoffman joyously testifies to God's reviving breath stirring a congregation and bringing new Christians to baptism when a faith community embraces the Adult Catechumenate as the focus of its ministry. Those skeptical that an ancient way of forming Christians can work today will meet people whose lives were truly transformed as they walked with God, surrounded by God's people, on a journey of revelation, faith, and discovery that a congregation in Seattle simply calls 'The WAY.'"
Craig A. Satterlee
Professor of Homiletics
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
"Paul Hoffman has written a stunning book. The book describes one congregation's bold embodiment of the ancient catechumenate--a pattern of apprenticeship forming people into faith in Jesus Christ. It offers pastors, seminarians, and congregational leaders sage council for beginning this baptismal pattern of 'font-forming-faith' in their own communities, and in doing so sets out a gracious and vital proposal about the witness of faith in an increasingly secular society."
-Christian Scharen
Codirector, Learning Pastoral Imagination Project
For people longing to be grounded in our increasingly transitory world, Paul Hoffman offers not only a powerful invitation to rootedness, but calls the church to her own powerful roots in the ancient practice of the catechumenate. In his clear words, that daunting word becomes an accessible act of welcome, and through compelling stories of its use, he encourages all congregations to dip their toes in the grace of its baptismal waters.
- Pastor Brian Maas of First Lutheran, Lincoln, NE