Formation for Life
Just Peacemaking and Twenty-First-Century Discipleship
Edited by Glen Stassen, Rodney L. Petersen and Timothy A. Norton
Foreword by Richard J. Mouw
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
From all corners of the world, both inside cities and in the remote countryside, the cry for "just peace" rings out loud and strong. But, as many will note in this book, the cry for just peace isn't enough, for just peace requires active faith, working hands, and willing hearts.
Gathered in this volume are essays written from a wide variety of perspectives, religious traditions, nationalities, and ages (from a sixteen-year-old high school student to an eighty-four-year-old senior professor) that seek to offer insight toward answering one question: How are "just peacemaking," faith formation, and discipleship connected within a twenty-first-century context?
Glen H. Stassen is Professor of Christian Ethics at Fuller Theological Seminary.
Rodney L. Petersen is executive director of the Boston Theological Institute and co-executive Director of the Lord's Day Alliance of the U.S.
Timothy A. Norton owns a communication/development consulting firm, and is co-executive Director of the Lord's Day Alliance of the U.S.
"This extraordinary collection of essays, reflecting wide and richly diverse faith-inspired roots, leads us toward a deep pool of shared wisdom. Just peace in a broken world is possible. The transformation from brokenness to healing and justice requires preparation, full-life engagement, and practical love. Within these pages theology comes alive, hands-on ethics walk and talk among us, and compassion radiates light on the pathway to recover our basic humanity."
--John Paul Lederach, Professor of International Peacebuilding, Kroc Institute, University of Notre Dame
"These collected essays speak to different contexts from different perspectives. Each explores how we shape and nurture individuals to work for just peace in a broken and fearful world. Together they provide a vision and concrete suggestions for making faithful disciples of the nonviolent, peacemaking Jesus in the twenty-first century."
--W. Mark Koenig, Director, Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations, Compassion, Peace and Justice Ministry, Presbyterian Mission Agency
"Stassen, Petersen, and Norton have been putting faith, ethics, and practical engagement together as deeply engaged teachers for a generation. Working with the inclusive yet strategic concept of just peacemaking, they invite creative juxtaposition within a framework of hope and a spirit of empathy. . . . This book will help you see the future of peace already taking flesh among us."
--Christian T. Iosso, Coordinator, Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy, Presbyterian Mission Agency, Presbyterian Church (USA)
"The artistry of Formation for Life is in the authentic representation of human life stories in relation to probing theories of formation and just peacemaking. . . . The book moves the theoretical discourse forward with psychological, sociological, and theological constructs. Together the authors illumine the dynamics of formation and highlight the motivating power of religion to shape a global community of just peace."
--Mary Elizabeth Moore, Dean and Professor of Theology and Education, Boston University School of Theology