Joe D. Batten, MS, CPAE was the author of fourteen books, over forty training, management, sales, and leadership films, presented to over three thousand audiences in seventeen countries, and was the first speaker inducted in the National Speakers Association Hall of Fame. His New York Times best-selling book, Tough-Minded Management, was the first management book to reach #1 in America. Mr. Batten worked directly with over 80 percent of the Fortune 500 companies and gave the United States Army the phrase "Be All You Can Be." Mr. Batten was widely considered the "Sales Training Dean of America."
Steve Havemann brings an expertise in education, training and development. Through his programmatic work, Havemann excels at the art of persuasion and business development. Havemann is President of the Human Resource Development firm, AskListenHear, and serves on a variety of Boards of Directors. He holds his MA in Education from Drake University, with a focus in Training in Development.