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An Informed Cosmos
Essays on Intelligent Design Theory
Foreword by Stephen C. Meyer
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
After a substantial author's preface recounting the author's life-journey with the question of science and design in nature, An Informed Cosmos pulls together essays that jointly cover the core arguments for a scientific theory of intelligent design. Along with a foreword by philosopher of science and leading design theorist Stephen C. Meyer, and a wide range of recommended resources, An Informed Cosmos offers an informed overview of the contemporary case for intelligent design.
English philosopher Peter S. Williams is an assistant professor in communication and worldviews at NLA University College in Norway. His books include A Universe from Someone: Essays on Natural Theology (Wipf & Stock, 2022); Apologetics in 3D: Essays in Apologetics and Spirituality (Wipf & Stock, 2021) and Outgrowing God? A Beginner’s Guide to Richard Dawkins and the God Debate (Wipf & Stock, 2020).
“When faced with an idea they don’t like, even the smartest scientists and philosophers can resort to verbal tap-dancing to avoid unwelcome conclusions. Peter S. Williams does a thorough job demonstrating the inconsistencies, circumlocutions, and question-begging of top materialist thinkers as they try to wriggle free of the overpowering evidence for the intelligent design of life.”
—Michael J. Behe, author of Darwin’s Black Box
“Peter S. Williams provides a rich ‘lode’ of insights challenging the popular dogma that the living world is entirely the product of mindless, motiveless matter. Can life’s drama in all its staggering complexity and purposefulness be accounted for by the action of unthinking natural processes? Or does it bear the imprint of a transcendent, designing Mind? Williams’s compilation of papers points the reader persuasively to the latter.”
—Neil Broom, author of How Blind Is the Watchmaker?
“Beautifully illustrated, pervasively researched, and clearly written, Peter S. Williams’s An Informed Cosmos is a delightful read chock full of rich, sophisticated ideas. I don’t know how Williams did it, but he managed to pack a lot of well-selected content into a short, readable book. This is not just another book on science, religion, and intelligent design. This book is unique in its unwavering commitment to staying within its specific focus and its up-to-date perspective. Anyone who wants to stay on top of the debate should read this book.”
—J. P. Moreland, author of Scientism and Secularism
“An Informed Cosmos is a delightful, intellectually stimulating appraisal of the pervasive design inference in the reasoning of proponents and opponents of intelligent design. Peter S. Williams masterfully unmasks the ontological add-ons of naturalism and exposes fallacies which have rendered the impoverished worldview associated with ontological naturalism. I wholeheartedly recommend this work for its insightful analysis and rigorous exposé.”
—Frederik van Niekerk, professor of nuclear engineering, North-West University
“Peter S. Williams has crafted an impressive, well-informed case for intelligent design, exposing the shortcomings of contemporary naturalism and countering objections with forceful counterarguments.”
—Charles Taliaferro, professor emeritus of philosophy, St. Olaf College
“Peter S. Williams has done tremendous work compressing the most recent and relevant research and literature on intelligent design into one single volume. Come to the text with an open mind, and you will enjoy it. This is science promotion on a hot topic in a brilliant way, and I am happy to recommend it.”
—Steinar Thorvaldsen, professor of information science, The Arctic University of Norway