Christ the Gift and the Giver
Paul’s Portrait of Jesus as the Supreme Royal Benefactor in Romans 5:1–11
Foreword by Joshua W. Jipp
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
This book provides a close look at how Paul uses the Greco-Roman royal benefaction system in Romans 5:1-11 as well as 5:12--8:39 to accomplish his theological purpose of portraying Jesus Christ as the supreme royal benefactor so that the Roman believers might faithfully respond to his reign now even as they anticipate glorification. This study makes at least three significant contributions. First, at the lexical level, it provides a reading that accounts for the benefaction motifs that permeate Romans 5:1-11 and Romans 5:12--8:39. Second, it looks at the relationship between χάρις as used in Romans 5:2 and the Messiah's sacrifice as described in Romans 5:6-10 even as it asserts that Paul portrays Christ as a royal benefactor in ways that surprise the Greco-Roman notion of brokerage and the expectation that a beneficiary would be willing to die for the sake of his benefactor. Third, the study demonstrates that the Messiah's supreme benefaction demands appropriate reciprocity or fitting response.
Enoch O. Okode is Lecturer and Dean of the School of Theology at Scott Christian University in Kenya.
“With clarity and erudition, Enoch Okode convincingly explains how Paul’s Letter to the Romans creatively deploys the Roman social construct of royal benefaction to mark out the unexpected act of God in his Son which transforms his beneficiaries’ character and strengthens hope through adversity. Okode’s is a vital contribution on which future work can and must build.”
—Jon C. Laansma, Gerald F. Hawthorne Professor of New Testament Greek and Exegesis, Wheaton College, Illinois
“Timely, important, and rewarding. Enoch Okode brings a new coherence to Paul’s logic in Romans by situating the gospel, grace, and loyalty in the context of ideal kingship and benefaction. Our understanding of Paul’s theology of salvation has been greatly enriched.”
—Matthew W. Bates, author of Salvation by Allegiance Alone
“Enoch Okode offers a compelling and fresh reading of Romans 5:1–11 (and 5:12—8:39) in light of the Greco-Roman benefaction system. He persuasively argues that Paul portrays Jesus Christ as the supreme royal benefactor to whom believers must respond with faith, through suffering, in anticipation of glorification. Okode makes a valuable contribution to the growing literature addressing Paul’s messianism in light of Greco-Roman discourses of benefaction and reciprocity.”
—Constantine R. Campbell, author of Paul and the Hope of Glory