Random and Nebulous—Nuancing the Psalms
Voice of the Celtic Christian Contemplative Soul in Prose and in Prayer
Foreword by Colin MacDonald
Imprint: Resource Publications
Random and nebulous is an exquisite state of the inquisitive mind. Vivid thoughts and images shift and drift, and swirl and twirl, in seeming chaos, within the chasm of human consciousness.
Random and Nebulous invites you now, to stroll slowly, slowly, on a spiritually formative journey, opening yourself in body, mind, and spirit, into this Celtic Christian Psalm-based tome. Come--enter into the wholesome simplicity of Celtic Wisdom, and find your space--your place of comfort here. Settle in and set about nuancing new elemental insights from the most beloved Psalms.
Allow yourself to be drawn into the deep, deeper, deepest well of Random and Nebulous. May you come into stillness, wholeness, and Oneness. May you be fully present--enlivened--sparkling full of grace--in the Light. Shine your Light. Be the Light. Selah.
Canadian author Janis Constable retired from a fulfilling career of emergency nursing and parish nursing ministry in 2017. She entered into her own contemplative and creative world to write. Her approach is poetic, her faith is wide-open, her love of life is lyric-rendering. She sees the Sacred in all of life—she “sees with her heart.” Her upcoming novel Light beyond the River—limbic, cerebral, and unabashedly mystical—is, most surely, a read to be experienced.
“A book of luminous verse, at once prayerful and poetic. An ideal contemplative’s companion. Its words offer a doorway into the realm of holy ground, opening up the possibility of intimacy with the Sacred by way of immersion in selected psalms.”
—Julie McGonegal, author of Imagining Justice: The Politics of Postcolonial Forgiveness and Reconciliation
“Random and Nebulous—Nuancing the Psalms is a wonderful addition to your devotional collection. Janis has gathered some of the best-loved psalms and breathed new life into them. . . . Enjoy each stanza, caring for yourself—your soul—as you bathe in the Holy Lovelight, taking time to ponder and to pray as you go. Selah.”
—Michelle O’Rourke, author of Befriending Death: Henri Nouwen and a Spirituality of Dying
“If you have ever read a psalm, you need this book. Janis has given us a world inside the Psalms that is part confessional, part autobiographical, part contemplation. . . . She reveals holy moments and spiritual awakenings with delicate humor and holy levity. . . . Go on! Make yourself a pot of tea, return to that warm, cushioned place where the Spirit usually finds you, and let your soul soar through these poems.”
—Wanda Stride, Minister, United Church of Canada
“Like a diamond, Janis holds up each psalm and turns it around and around, contemplating it, refracting each facet through the eyes of her soul, and then offering what she sees to us. Hers is an offering that takes us to places we might never have thought of going. And through it all, the depth of her faith and trust in God shines through.”
—Colin MacDonald, retired Minister, United Church of Canada
“Random and Nebulous—Nuancing the Psalms is a wonderful companion for your morning meditation, a gift of contemplative exploration, a personal journey into transformation, gratitude, and the assurance of God’s Holy Lovelight. I choose a random excerpt daily to focus my morning meditation and guide my day. I listen with intention and delight for Janis’s sacred soul message.”
—Judi Shields, retired Social Worker