Table of Contetnts
Editorial Essay
Jason King
Keynote Addresses from the second convening of "Laudato Si' and the US Catholic Church: A Conference Series on Our Common Home" co-sponsored by Catholic Climate Covenant and Creighton University.
From "Not Enough"' to Bold Embrace: US Catholic Responses to Laudato Si'
Blase Cardinal Cupich
Responding to the Invitation: Fostering a Bolder Response to Laudato Si'
Maureen K. Day
Lisa Sowle Cahill: Five Significant Contributions to Reimagining Christian Ethics
Charles Curran
Racial Habitus, Resurrection, and Moral Imagination
Ebenezer Akesseh
$ymbol and Sacrament: Fossil Fuel Divestment and Reinvestment as a Real Symbol of Love
Erin Lothes Biviano
Guns and Practical Reason: An Ethical Exploration of Guns and Language
Mark Ryan
Aquinas's Unity Thesis and Grace: Ingredients for Developing a Good Appetite in a Contemporary Age
Megan Heeder
Revolution of Faith in Les Miserables: The Journey from Misery to Mercy in the Secular Age
Jean-Pierre Fortin
"All Creatures Moving Forward": Reconsidering the Ethics of Xeno-transplantation in the Light of Laudato Si'
Skya Abbate
Resurrecting Justice
Daniel Philpott
Book Reviews
Daniel J. Daly, The Structures of Virtue and Vice
Nichole M. Flores
Donal Dorr, A Creed for Today: Faith and Commitment for Our New Earth Awareness
Mari Rapela Heidt
Gusztav Kovacs, Thought Experiments in Ethics
Piotr Morciniec
Michael P. Krom, Justice and Charity: An Introduction to Aquinas's Moral, Economic, and Political Thought
R. Jared Staudt
Stuart Lasine, Jonah and the Human Condition: Life and Death in Yahweh's World
Karina Martin Hogan
James McCarty, Matthew Tapie, and Justin Bronson Barringer, eds., The Business of War: Theological and Ethical Reflections on the Military Industrial Complex
Vincent Birch
R. Jared Staudt, Restoring Humanity: Essays on the Evangelization of Culture
Jesse Russell
Dietrich von Hildebrand, Morality and Situation Ethics and Graven Images: Substitutes for True Morality
Kevin Schemenauer