Ronald T. Michener is professor and chair of the department of systematic theology, Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven, Belgium. His research focuses broadly on the interplay between postmodern philosophy and evangelical theology. Publications include Postliberal Theology: A Guide for the Perplexed (2013); The Matrix of Christian Ethics: Integrating Philosophy and Moral Theology in a Postmodern Context (2010, with Patrick Nullens); and Engaging Deconstructive Theology (2007).
Mark A. Lamport has been a professor at graduate theological schools in the United States and Europe for forty years. He is coauthor of Nurturing Faith: A Practical Theology for Educating Christians; coeditor of the seven-book series The Global Story of Christianity (2022–24); editor of Handbook of Philosophy and Religion (2022); Handbook of Contemporary Christianity in the United States (2022); Christianity in the Middle East (2020); Encyclopedia of Christianity in the Global South (2018); Encyclopedia of Martin Luther and the Reformation (2017); Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States (2016). He works from Grand Rapids and Fort Myers.