The Forgotten Spiritual Discipline
Foreword by Crystal L. Downing
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
We all need friends. This book is an exploration of Christian friendship. It turns out that friendship has one surprising, overlooked, almost forgotten spiritual quality.
Friendship in Christ is eternal. Scripture emphasizes this. Jesus himself emphasized this. Theologians emphasized this throughout the first thousand-plus years of Christian history. Then, it was somehow mostly neglected. This book maintains that friendship isn't just a passing luxury.
Participation in the joy of friendship is a spiritual blessing. It is an unrecognized spiritual discipline that enriches your soul eternally. Here you will have an opportunity to consider your friendships as more than a pleasant engagement and discover what they can mean for your life today and eternally. Join others on this exploration of the exciting truth that friendships are forever!
Pamela Baker Powell is an ordained minister and a former pastoral theology professor. She has focused her career on exploring the intertwining of Scripture and our daily lives. Her extensive research over the course of a decade led to the creation of a remarkable book on Christian friendship as a key element of spiritual formation and eternal blessing. Pam is married with three grown children and nine grandchildren. She cherishes the lifelong friendships she has nurtured throughout her life.
“Pamela Powell has embraced the topic of friendship in a deep and profound way as she takes us from Aristotle’s categories of useful, pleasant, and good to Aelred of Rievaulx’s four stages of friendship that can challenge us to encounter God as the nexus of our friendships that prepare us for a heavenly destination in which we ‘find our best selves.’”
—Henry L. Thompson III, retired dean president, Trinity School for Ministry
“This book is a celebration of friendship. It is a memoir of decades of friendship with those who ‘enfleshed’ the Spirit’s invitation to be in relationship with a loving God. The book is a statement of gratitude for the distinct gifts of each friendship. It is a book for all of us who not only want to have friends but who want to be friends.”
—Alice Fryling, author of Aging Faithfully: The Holy Invitation of Growing Older
“Friendship is a lived reality. The credibility and impact of this book emerges from this reality. It is written by someone who has lived vibrantly into its themes. For years, Pamela Powell has engaged deeply into relationships and those in the circle of those friendships have been blessed. The words in the pages of this book have been authenticated by the life that has been lived. Read deeply and learn from the number of people who call her friend.”
—Gary Nelson, retired president, Tyndale University