Table of Contents
Resistances to Amoris Laetitia: A Critical Approach
Antonio Autiero
The Border, Brexit, and the Church: US Roman Catholic and Church of England Bishops' Teaching on Migration 2015-2019
Victor Carmona and Robert W. Heimburger
A Synodal Alternative for Ecclesial Conflict: Marshall Rosenberg's Nonviolent Communication
Mary Lilian Akhere Ehidiamhen
Review Essay:
Theological Ethics of Life: A New Volume by the Pontifical Acad-emy for Life
Roberto Dell'Oro and M. Therese Lysaught
Teaching Catholic Social Thought Symposium:
Teaching Catholic Social Thought: A Symposium Introduction
Jon Kara Shields
Catholic Social Living: Teaching Students to "Live Wisely, Think Deeply, and Love Generously"
Bernard Brady
Resisting Gnostic Spiritualism in the Catholic Social Teaching Classroom
Joyce A. Bautch
Teaching Catholic Social Thought Online in the Philippines: From a Challenge to an Opportunity
Teofilo Giovan S. Pugeda III
Formative Figures for Catholic Social Witness
Daniel Cosacchi
Solidarity, Praxis, and Discernment: Formation at the Catholic Worker
Casey Mullaney
"Are We Theologians?": A Practical Theology Approach to Catholic Social Teaching with Women Religious in East Africa
Sarah C. DeMarais
Pedagogical Reflections by East African Women Religious Alumnae of the Loyola Institute for Ministry
Srs. Charity Bbalo, Lucy Kimaro, and Jane Frances Mulongo
Book Reviews
Peter Cajka, Follow Your Conscience: The Catholic Church and the Spirit of the Sixties
Maria C. Morrow
Charles C. Camosy, Losing Our Dignity: How Secularized Medicine Is Undermining Fundamental Human Equality
Ramon Luzarraga
Ki Joo Choi, Disciplined by Race: Theological Ethics and the Prob-lem of Asian American Identity
David Kwon
Daniel K. Finn, Faithful Economics: 25 Short Insights
Chris Gooding
Najeeb T. Haddad, Paul, Politics, and New Creation: Reconsidering Paul and Empire
Jeffrey L. Morrow
Conor M. Kelly, The Fullness of Free Time: A Theological Account of Leisure and Recreation in the Moral Life
G. D. Jones
Matthew Levering, The Abuse of Conscience: A Century of Catholic Moral Theology
Kathryn Lilla Cox
Marc LiVecche, The Good Kill: Just War and Moral Injury
Darren Cronshaw
Angela McKay Knobel, Aquinas and the Infused Moral Virtues
Nicholas Ogle
Joel Oesch, Crossing Wires: Making Sense of Technology, Transhu-manism, and Christian Identity
Simeiqi He
Robert Chao Romero, Brown Church: Five Centuries of Latina/o So-cial Justice, Theology, and Identity
Jens Mueller