Caring for Our Shepherds
Understanding and Coping with Burnout as a Pastor
by Thomas V. Frederick, Yvonne Thai and Scott E. Dunbar
Foreword by Joseph Slunaker
Imprint: Cascade Books
Pastors play a fundamental role in churches across the globe, yet more and more are finding themselves struggling with the stress of ministry life and experiencing burnout. The consequences of pastoral burnout can be severe and impact not only individuals' physical, mental, and emotional well-being, but spillover to their families and congregations as well. Despite this increasingly common problem, the subject of pastors and their unique experiences has not been well studied. Caring for our Shepherds is written to pastors and for pastors. In this book, researchers on pastoral burnout, Thomas V. Frederick, Yvonne Thai, and Scott Dunbar answer the questions: what is pastoral or ministry burnout, how can it be guarded against, and how can we help those experiencing it? The reader will not only develop a deeper understanding for the demands of ministry, but also be provided with specific practical and spiritual frameworks to cope with those demands in ways that promote a positive and healthy mindset. Caring for our Shepherds is an excellent resource not only for those in ministry, but to those who desire to pour back into those who serve in the church.
Thomas V. Frederick is professor of psychology at California Baptist University. He is the author of Identity, Calling, and Workplace Spirituality: Meaning Making and Developing Career Fit with Scott Dunbar.
Yvonne Thai is professor of sociology at California Baptist University. She has published in Pastoral Psychology and other religion and spirituality journals.
Scott E. Dunbar is a professor of business at California Baptist University. He is the author of A Christian Approach to Work and Family Burnout with Thomas Frederick.
“Caring for Our Shepherds is a clearly written and very helpful book on understanding and coping with burnout as a pastor. Frederick, Thai, and Dunbar provide practical ways of managing pastoral burnout, including spiritual disciplines and four Christian devotional meditation practices of lectio divina, the Jesus Prayer, centering prayer, and the examen. Highly recommended!”
—Siang-Yang Tan, senior professor of clinical psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary
“This book provides a practical conceptual overview of understanding the unique aspects of ministry burnout and how to care for those experiencing it. The authors provide practical ways for spiritual disciplines to be developed in a minister’s lifestyle to enhance their personal and ministry health. The reader will discover a pathway to respond to their own ministry struggles as well as help others within their circle of influence.”
—Roger A. Yancey, executive director, Tryon Evergreen Baptist Association
“Mindfully constructed for the busy and burdened pastor with direct, insightful information and practical steps, Caring for Our Shepherds is a necessary read for all pastors in ministry.”
—Cody Bockelkamp, biblical counselor