Transcendental Judaism
Enlivening the Eternal Within to Uplift Ourselves and Our World
Imprint: Resource Publications
Is it really possible to connect with God? Can we find spirituality in Judaism? The answer to both these questions is yes. Traditionally, Judaism teaches that we connect with God through the performance of the commandments, the mitzvot (from the Aramaic word tzavta meaning connection). But what if we are not mitzvah-observant in the traditional ways? Can we still experience a palpable closeness to God and have a sense that we are all connected as one? To this question, our sages also answer yes. Through the meditative quieting of the mind, we can directly experience that "still small voice." It is the awesome voice of infinite intelligence that created and upholds our world with compassion and justice. When we repeatedly experience it, we enliven its qualities into our lives; we "walk in God's ways." When we do so, we uplift not only ourselves, but the world around us.
David Lieberman is a teacher, consultant, and spiritual director.
“Judaism is fluid, dynamic, and open to many interpretations. Each generation needs teachers capable of articulating that fluidity for its time. David Lieberman is one of these teachers, and his Transcendental Judaism is a beautiful expression of what Judaism can be. This is not an easy read, but it is a rewarding one.”
—Rami Shapiro, author of Judaism Without Tribalism
“Transcendental Judaism presents us with some familiar teachings, but David Lieberman’s unique interpretation ties them together in a compelling, integrated, and practical manner with profound implications for a better world. This book is a must-read for all who want to learn how Judaism can be a transformative force in their intellectual and spiritual journeys. It is a theological guide that is rooted in the past but paves a dynamic new path forward.”
—Shmuly Yanklowitz, president and dean, Valley Beit Midrash
“Bravo! Transcendental Judaism offers a wise and accessible guide to Jewish mystical practice. Lieberman clearly is a seasoned Jewish teacher and practitioner whose insights are rooted in decades of serious study and experience. For anyone seeking a deeper understanding of Judaism's mystical and transcendent pathways, I highly recommend this book.”
—Estelle Frankel, author of Sacred Therapy
“Rooted in the fertile soil of traditional and mystical Jewish texts, Transcendental Judaism envisions a new (yet ancient) kind of spirituality. Each of us can hear God’s ‘still, small voice’ and attune ourselves to it. Thereby we become more centered and balanced, able to begin to mend ourselves and our society.”
—Daniel Matt, author of The Essential Kabbalah
“Transcendental Judaism combines a personal story of spiritual opening with a theology based on contemporary readings of Jewish mystical teachings. It is a book written by a layman, speaking directly and unpretentiously about truths he has learned over a lifetime of meditation and study. Well worth reading! Give it a try.”
—Arthur Green, author of The Heart of the Matter: Studies in Jewish Mysticism and Theology