Calm and Quiet My Soul
A Holistic Approach to Spiritual Care for the Mothering Pastor
Imprint: Cascade Books
Self-care and soul care are trending topics in Christian leadership circles because ministry leaders know they cannot care for their people unless they care for themselves. Pastors who are mothers know this too, and yet it can feel like just one more task to manage among the many they carry on their schedules and in their hearts. The biblical truth is that spiritual rest is a gift from God, not an achievement, a refreshing reminder for women who hold the dual roles of mom and minister. This book invites women leading in these spaces to remember that the God of the Old and New Testaments, the one who pours out replenishment for weary hearts, is a God who is Mother as well as Father, and mothers them with tenderness and strength. Starting here, in the arms of a mothering God who whispers "beloved," changes the tone of spiritual care for her from a chore to an oasis of replenishment that grounds her in her identity in Christ as a daughter of Creator God.
Alyssa Lynn Bell is a pastor, spiritual director, and teacher who loves walking alongside people as they encounter God’s transformative love. Alyssa lives in Spokane, Washington, with her husband, Matthew, and two daughters, Theresa and Susie.
“Once a mothering pastor myself, this book calms and quiets my soul. The biblical, historical, and theological chapters, as well as the one on a mothering God, disrupt traditional notions that mothering and pastoring are incompatible. Instead, the two roles go together very well. After reading Alyssa Bell’s book, the common feelings of isolation and loneliness become feelings of belonging and rest. For all those who mother and respond to God’s call, this book is a gift.”
—MaryKate Morse, professor of leadership and spiritual formation, Portland Seminary
“As a ‘mothering pastor’ myself, Calm and Quiet My Soul resonated with deep longings that I rarely acknowledge, let alone honor. Alyssa Lynn Bell beautifully writes about the unique needs of mothers who serve as pastors and the soul nourishment that can be found in the God who bears, comforts, and nurtures all of life.”
—Teri McDowell Ott, Rev. editor and publisher, Presbyterian Outlook
“Pastors need care and encouragement, busy pastors who are mothering their children all the more. Alyssa Lynn Bell demonstrates not only that mothers are needed in pastoral ministry, but also that they reflect the glory and grace of the mothering God we praise. Mothers will love this book, but it will be a blessing and balm for the soul of anyone who wants to better know the God who cares.”
—Nijay K. Gupta, professor of New Testament, Northern Seminary
“Calm and Quiet My Soul speaks to the very heart of women clergy who are both moms and ministers. This groundbreaking work addresses the gap women experience between motherhood and ministry. They often don’t have the language or community in which to express and validate their call as both in their lives. Alyssa Bell bridges the lived experience of mothering pastors with practical applications, while also being historically, biblically, and theologically grounded.”
—Susan Rose, founder and executive director, Diakonos Solutions