Outing Gay Priests: Toward a Theological Ethics of Privacy in the Digital Era
Levi Checketts
Pope Francis's Apology to the Indigenous Peoples of Canada
Doris M. Kieser
The Papal Apology and Seeds of an Action Plan
Archbishop Donald Bolen
Papal Apologies for Residential Schools and the Stories They Tell
Jeremy M. Bergen
Pope Francis's Apology Encounter and Meaning
Christine Jamieson
Missed Opportunities and Hope for Healing: Reflections of an Indigenous Catholic Priest--Interview with Fr. Daryold Winkler
Doris M. Kieser and Jane Barter
Walking Apart and Walking Together: Indigenous Public Reception of the Papal Visit
Jane Barter
Dialogue after Dobbs: Introduction
M. Therese Lysaught, Mari Rapela Heidt, Mary Doyle Roche, and Kate Ward
Intentional Killing or Right to Bodily Integrity: Can We Bridge the Moral Languages of Abortion?
M. Cathleen Kaveny
Towards Universal Communion
Simeiqi He
Captive Minds and Civil Dialogue: A Reflection on Catholic Universities in the Post-Dobbs Era
David E. DeCosse
Discerning the Roles of Reason and Emotion in Classroom Conversations about Abortion
Jane Sloan Peters
Holding the Tensions: Female Bodily Integrity as an Intrinsic Good
Kathleen Bonnette
Catholic Higher Education and Student Formation in a Post-Roe World: A Modest Proposal for Women's Personhood and Reproductive Autonomy
Maria Teresa Davila
Danger Invites Rescue: An Argument for Legal Protection of Unborn Life
Holly Taylor Coolman
A Call to Truth-Telling
Jana M. Bennett
Wisdom from a Reproductive Justice Framework
Emily Reimer-Barry
Substance and Style in the Prolife Discourse
Daniel Daly
Intellectual Hospitality as Guiding Virtue in Campus Conversations on Abortion
Megan Halteman Zwart
Lisa Allen, A Womanist Theology of Worship: Liturgy, Justice, and Communal Righteousness
Xavier M. Montecel
Anthony M. Annett, Cathonomics: How Catholic Tradition Can Create a More Just Economy
M. Therese Lysaught
Gerald A. Arbuckle, The Pandemic and the People of God: Cultural Impacts and Pastoral Responses
Megan Bowen
Jessica Coblentz, Dust in Blood: A Theology of Life with Depression
Andrew Staron
Abigail Favale, The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory
Beth Zagrobelny Lofgren
Grace Ji-Sun Kim, Invisible: Theology and the Experience of Asian American Women
Fiona May Kay Li
Jurgen Moltmann, Resurrected to Eternal Life: On Dying and Rising
Steven G. Rindahl
Lincoln Rice, ed., The Forgotten Radical Peter Maurin: Easy Essays from the Catholic Worker
Marc Tumeinski
Olga M. Segura, Birth of a Movement: Black Lives Matter and the Catholic Church
Kate Ward
Mark P. Shea, The Church's Best-Kept Secret: A Primer on Catholic Social Teaching
Marcus Mescher
Kate Ward, Wealth, Virtue, and Moral Luck: Christian Ethics in an Age of Inequality
Edward A. David
J. Lenore Wright, Athena to Barbie: Bodies, Archetypes, and Women's Search for Self
Kathleen Cavender-McCoy