Stanley Hauerwas is professor emeritus of ethics at Duke University where he held the Gilbert T. Rowe chair for more than twenty years. Among his numerous publications are Sanctify Them in the Truth: Holiness Exemplified (1998) and Living Gently in a Violent World, with Jean Vanier (2008). His latest publication is Fully Alive: The Apocalyptic Humanism of Karl Barth (University of Virginia Press, 2023).
Hans Reinders is professor emeritus of ethics at VU University Amsterdam where he taught from 1995 to 2016. In 2010 he edited The Paradox of Disability: Responses to Jean Vanier and L'Arche Communities from Theology and the Sciences. He authored many publications on disability, theology, and ethics with a focus on L'Arche, among them "Being with the Disabled: Jean Vanier's Theological Realism" in 2012, and "Transforming Friendship: An Essay in Honor of Jean Vanier" in 2015.