Jesus’ Best Friend
A Novel
by Don Thorsen
Imprint: Resource Publications
Christians believe that Jesus was both human and divine. While he lived on earth, however, Jesus lived as a human. He had to grow in wisdom and stature as well as in favor with God and people.
Imagine Jesus having a best friend named Shamir, whom Jesus knew since boyhood in their hometown of Nazareth. What kinds of conversations might the two of them have had? How important was friendship to Jesus?
This novel envisions how friendship aided Jesus in his adult life as well as in his boyhood. Conversations with Shamir suggest the kinds of questions and concerns that the human Jesus experienced. What sense of divine calling did Jesus have? Why did he pray so much? How did Jesus assemble his disciples? How did he view the signs, wonders, healings, and exorcisms that occurred? How did Jesus endure eventual betrayal, crucifixion, and death? How did Jesus understand resurrection?
We gain a needed understanding of Jesus' humanness by reading this novel. Jesus emphasized faith and hope as well as love and justice. We learn about how Jesus developed these virtues and how he communicated them to others. In listening to Jesus' conversations with Shamir, we learn about how Jesus persevered and flourished in living a God-centered life, empowered by grace.
Don Thorsen is professor of theology at Azusa Pacific University. He is married to Andrea, and they have three children and four grandchildren. Thorsen has published numerous books, including What Christians Believe about the Bible, The Holiness Manifesto, Strength to Be Holy, An Exploration of Christian Theology, and What’s True about Christianity? In addition to being widely published, he travels internationally, speaking on numerous Christian topics. Thorsen also participates in ecumenical organizations and interfaith dialogue.
“Imaginative, creative, well-researched, informative, and inspiring all describe this delightful ‘biography’ of Jesus.”
—Roger E. Olson, professor emeritus of Christian theology, George W. Truett Theological Seminary
“Jesus as God-man is the central paradox of Christian faith. Quality theologians like Don Thorsen have probed extensively the ‘God’ side of this stunning equation. Now Thorsen uses fiction to rest our theological brains and carry to us gently to a better awareness of the rest of truth. Jesus, God with us, also was very much one of us. These pages put us in touch with this humanness in the simplest and yet most revealing of ways.”
—Barry L. Callen, author of The Living Dead