Biblical Names for God
An Abecedarian Anthology of Spiritual Reflections for Anytime
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
This book presents forty-two reflections on biblical names for God in an abecedarian (A through Z) format. The names, terms by which God is known, are not biblically exhaustive. These entries present spiritual reflections, grounded in Scripture, with Psalm responses, questions for meditation and/or journaling, and prayers designed to nourish spirituality at any time. Beginning with Abba, Alpha, and Ancient One, individual entries continue through the alphabet to Yahweh and Zion. By reflecting on forty-two biblical names for God, the reader comes to know better the Holy One, and, in so doing, is transformed.
Mark G. Boyer, a well-known spiritual master, has been writing books on biblical, liturgical, and devotional spirituality for over fifty years. He has authored seventy-three previous books, including two books of history, one novel, and a book of poetry. His work prompts the reader to recognize the divine in everyday life. This is his thirty-third Wipf and Stock title.
“This book contains a fascinating presentation of the various titles given to God. It represents a laborious and meticulous study on the part of the author and will undoubtedly inspire the reader with profound respect for the awesomeness of the Almighty, whom we name the Pantokrator.”
—Pauline Nugent, CCVI, professor emerita of classics and Hebrew, Missouri State University
“Mark Boyer has provided many helpful volumes with which to explore Scripture and spirituality. His latest on the names of God gives readers the opportunity to consider a fuller range of God’s being, encompassing both private and communal ways of invoking the divine. No one name can do this. Thus, it is essential to learn and reflect on these names (compiled here in alphabetical order) and how each one enriches our understanding of God in our lives.”
—Victor H. Matthews, professor emeritus of religious studies, Missouri State University
“There is power in a name. Beyond establishing an identity, a name also emphasizes different roles, manifestations, or characteristics of the named, and Mark Boyer’s new book offers an expertly guided spiritual journey through a sampling of the many biblical names for God. Learn about Scripture through the book’s scholarship, and discover your own power, priorities, and personal relationship with God through reflection on the deeper meaning behind a name.”
—John Kossler, ecologist, Western Meridian Resources