China’s Harvest Fields
Edited by Tabor Laughlin
Imprint: Resource Publications
This book is about specific ministry needs or opportunities in China. It is perfect for missionaries who are serving or will serve in China to read, to get a better idea for ministry opportunities within China. Additionally, the chapters are very relevant for Chinese believers in house churches in China. Though house churches in China have spread across China and matured over recent decades, this book focuses on multi-faceted ways that house churches in China can continue to mature in their faithfulness to the gospel. This book has multiple authors, each of which is writing a chapter relating to their expertise. A chapter in this book written by author John Ensor is about doing ministry through anti-abortion pregnancy help clinics in China. Another chapter in this book, written by Elisabeth Kim, is about doing ministry through working in large corporations in China. These are just some examples of profound and practical chapters that are written by the authors of this book about ministry opportunities in China. Some of the authors in this book are mission professors in the US. Some are missionaries with various platforms and ministries in China.
Tabor Laughlin served as a missionary in China for ten years. He received his PhD in Intercultural Studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS) in Deerfield, Illinois. He leads a small mission agency in NW China. He is the author of the missions book Becoming Native to Win the Natives (Wipf & Stock, 2016) and China’s Ambassadors of Christ to the Nations (Pickwick, 2020).
“Reaching ‘China’s harvest fields’ is no small task. Thankfully Laughlin wisely highlights the most critical issues facing the Chinese church. The diversity of topics found in this book is staggering. The contributors are not theorists; they are expert practitioners. This volume is both robust and balanced. I commend it to anyone who wants to understand the various factors impacting the Chinese church.”
—Jackson Wu, Theologian-in-Residence, Mission One
“China’s Harvest Fields comes at a ‘bitter winter’ season when the church is under attack and missionaries detained, interrogated, abused, and deported. . . . We are again reminded that missions is embodied by humble servants bringing light into dark places, serving both those poor in spirit among the educated, and those in need in the margins of society. They follow the path of the cross and imitate Christ as a sacrificial lamb with stripes which bring healing and a message of hope to a needy world.”
—David Ro, Director, Christy Wilson Center of World Missions, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; Regional Director, Lausanne Movement for East Asia; Chair, Asia 2020 Congress
“Tabor Laughlin has assembled an impressive collection of writers to reflect on various opportunities for serving alongside Christians in China. Born out of their own experiences, these writers remind us of the multi-dimensional nature of the church in China. For anyone interested in being a part of what God is doing in China, this book is an excellent starting point.”
—Joann Pittman, Senior Associate, ChinaSource
“China’s urban centers continue to flourish. Escalating social needs present churches with extraordinary opportunities. The churches require theologically astute pastors and seminaries. This timely volume brings together a stellar cast of contributors to dig more deeply into these three key challenges facing the church in China.”
—Richard Cook, Logos Evangelical Seminary