Chris Fenner is digital archivist at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and is associate minister of music at Green Street Baptist Church, Louisville, KY. He has degrees in music education, worship studies, and library science. Chris has contributed articles to The Hymn: A Journal of Congregational Song, has produced new editions of The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of Isaac Watts and Our Own Hymn-Book by Charles Spurgeon, and is managing editor of
Brian G. Najapfour holds a ThM degree in historical theology from Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI. He has been a minister of the gospel since 2001 and has served both in the Philippines and the United States. He is the author of numerous books, including Amazing Grace, the first part of the series called “Stories behind Favorite Hymns for Ages 3 to 6.” He and his wife Sarah have four children.