Irene Alexander has a background in psychology, missions, and tertiary education, and is an Honorary Research Fellow of Trinity College Queensland.
Irene has taught counseling and spiritual companioning related courses in Brisbane, Australia, the Philippines, Myanmar, and Malaysia. Irene is adjunct faculty at Asian Theological Seminary in Manila, and is part of Servants to Asia’s Urban Poor. She has written several books, (Dancing with God; How Relationships Work; Awakening Desire), mostly in the interface between spirituality and psychology, and is a grandmother.
Christopher Brown is qualified in psychology, social policy, and social work, and is an Honorary Research Fellow of Trinity College Queensland. Chris taught social work at the University of Queensland (twenty-five years), and counseling/spiritual companioning at Christian Heritage College (twelve years). Now semi-retired, he offers spiritual direction (for the past twenty-three years), supervision, and formation of spiritual directors. He has written a number of articles on Christian spirituality and spiritual direction, and is the author of several books including Guiding Gideon: Awakening to Life and Faith.