A Hope-Filled Life
The Significance of Hope in the Life of the Believer
Imprint: Resource Publications
Hope is part of the spiritual vocabulary of the believer in Jesus Christ. The word is found abundantly in the Scriptures. We speak of it in our testimonies and fellowship. We sing about it in our corporate worship. Yet, it would seem at times that our concept of hope is understood in merely some vague way. Hope seems like an abstraction (something we consider only theoretically) not something that really matters or makes a difference. However, biblical hope is a gospel grace that provides joy and endurance for our lives right now. A Hope-Filled Life seeks to define biblical hope and provide a practical theology for understanding and applying it to our lives. Hope is, indeed, not an optional add-on but a vital necessity. Embracing the many truths about hope in the Scriptures strengthens our hearts. As we run the race set before us, we must grow in our understanding that Jesus Christ is truly our great Savior and our sure and steadfast hope!
James R. Wilkes recently retired from full-time ministry after many, many years of pastoring in Massachusetts. He and his wife Mary have been married for forty-seven years. They are seeking to be fruitful in this new phase of their lives.
“Wilkes has written the kind of book that should be on every Christian’s shelf. He does a deep dive into God’s Word and helps us understand what the often-misunderstood word hope truly means. We’re prone to selfish, man-centered thinking. This book, jam-packed with scriptural truth and practical application, will help us fix our eyes on Jesus and the hope found only in his gospel.”
—Steve Rahn, lead pastor, First Baptist Church, Warsaw, Indiana
“‘Truly, our hope is in Christ alone.’ What an incredible statement. This book explores true Christian hope that is centered and focused in Christ. Full of Scripture and written to encourage and challenge all believers, whether you are a new believer or a longtime follower of Christ, this book will certainly equip you to live A Hope-Filled Life.
—Nathan Luciano, elder, Grace Community Chapel, Seekonk, Massachusetts
“Well thought out and researched. . . . A culmination of lessons taught and a life lived out by the author. . . . Understandable and applicable to one’s daily life and beyond. . . . A scripturally based book meant to provide, as the last chapter states, not only ‘Practical Wisdom for Enriching and Exercising Hope,’ but also where and through whom this hope can be found. As someone who served alongside Pastor Wilkes, it is a blessing to know that many of the lessons taught through the years have been included in this book for posterity’s sake. Thank you, Jim, for imparting your God-given wisdom to others.”
—Peter A. Johnson, elder, Grace Community Chapel, Seekonk, Massachusetts