Joel Thiessen is professor of sociology, director of the Flourishing Congregations Institute, and chair of the social sciences department at Ambrose University in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He has authored five books and nearly twenty articles related to religion in Canada, religious nones, congregations, Christianity, and millennials. For more, visit
Arch Chee Keen Wong is professor of practical theology and associate director of the Flourishing Congregations Institute at Ambrose University in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He has authored two books and over 20 articles and book chapters related to pastoral leadership, congregational studies, spiritual formation and discipleship, theological and teacher education, and the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Mark Denis Chapman is director of the Doctor of Ministry Program and professor of research methods at Tyndale University. He is also lead researcher for the Tyndale Intercultural Ministry Centre. He has published articles on multivocational ministry, religion and immigration, new Canadians who are starting churches, the relationship between faith communities and the settlement sector, an exploration of the role of churches in immigrant settlement and integration, and participatory action research.