In a world of heightened Middle East tensions, Christians are asking, "What is to become of Israel? Does God still have a plan for the people he once called 'the apple of my eye'?" With refreshing clarity Ian Heard proposes that God has provided, in that self-described Pharisee and zealot Saul of Tarsus, a "type"--indeed, an archetype, for his people. In his turning, under the sovereign hand of the Almighty, Saul became Paul, the great missionary-evangelist to the gentile world. In addition he became pastor, theologian, apologist, and defender of the faith. In that event and life, God has given us, in embryo, a beautiful illustration, or "type," of a far larger and greater turning for Israel. On scriptural foundations and integrity, culminating in an exciting scenario, the author shows how some of the baffling prophecies of Zechariah and others may come to a profound conclusion.
Ian Heard is a seminary-trained and ordained Australian pastor and teacher who has been privileged to minister internationally. He has also been a businessman. Now retired, Heard devotes time to writing, some preaching, and, for recreation, a bit of sailing.
“Ian Heard beautifully captures the central theme of the book with a focus on the biblical principle of Paul as the firstfruits and a representation of a regrafted Israel. The analogy drawn between Paul’s transformation from Saul of Tarsus to a believer in Christ and the potential for the ‘broken off’ Israelite people to undergo a similar spiritual renewal is both insightful and thought-provoking. The idea that God’s hand remains sovereign over those who may have been temporarily set aside, just as he was with Saul, is a powerful message of hope and redemption. The comparison between Israel’s historical wilderness experience due to unbelief and their current state of gradual restoration through recognition and acceptance of their messiah is a poignant reflection on the overarching theme of faith, perseverance, and divine providence.”
—W. A. Liebenberg, professor in ancient Hebraic studies, Therapon University
“Ian Heard’s book is about Israel—Israel having received God’s grace in the law, having received the sacrifices for sin, and having received the promise of greater grace, truth, and salvation in the future messiah. Heard has proposed a scenario in which this promise is fulfilled at whatever time in the future God would choose to do it. Heard’s proposition is not a dogmatic opinion, but it offers hope and warrants serious consideration.”
—Paul O’Sullivan, senior minister, Northern Beaches Christian Centre