Christian thinking about the theology of creation has received new impetus in recent decades. This is due to, among other things, a more holistic approach to Holy Scripture, fresh insights from the history of Christian doctrine, the stimulus afforded by contemporary philosophies, and the desire to praise and thank God the Creator for the gift of creation. This little volume opens up all of those areas in an informed yet accessible way.
Owen F. Cummings is the Distinguished Regents’ Professor of Theology, Mount Angel Seminary, Oregon. A Roman Catholic permanent deacon of the Diocese of Salt Lake City, he is the author of over twenty-five books in theology and church history.
“While following the author’s creative focus through so many theological and ecological sources in this work, I was reminded of Soren Kierkegaard’s remark that the sign of a true artist is not so much the creative flights of genius but how solidly, how tenderly, he returns to touch the earth. In Owen Cummings’s book, we are brought prayerfully and tenderly to the One ‘in the within of all things in the universe.’”
—Peter McCarthy, OCSO, abbot, Our Lady of Guadalupe Trappist Abbey
“Living in a county that touts itself as ‘The Eden at the End of the Oregon Trail’ and with access to a well-stocked library, Owen Cummings has written an encompassing and concentrated book on the history of the theology of creation from the perspective of praise and gratitude. He writes lucidly for educated readers, urging them to understand creation as God’s ongoing gift and to respond to that gift in grateful prayer.”
—Hugh Feiss, OSB, co-editor of A Benedictine Reader
“Owen Cummings, steeped in theological tradition, has written this book for those who are not. The scholar will of course recognize the broad contours of their discipline; Christians everywhere will recognize the broad contours of their own faith-experience. The author masterfully guides the reader into a panoramic vision of all that Creation should mean. Throughout it all, this work remains true to the stated purpose, as it ‘leads others to praise this God from whom all blessing flows.’”
—Andrew C. Cummings, professor of philosophy, Mount Angel Seminary
“My friend Deacon Owen Cummings, through his newest work, How Great Thou Art!, has once again sparked a renewed sense of gratitude in me for the wonder of all of God’s creation, with a special emphasis on our common home, Mother Earth. I am certain that those who read How Great Thou Art! will inevitably grow in a heartfelt response of thanksgiving to our God whose creative energy knows no bounds.”
—John C. Wester, archbishop of Santa Fe
“How Great Thou Art! is a work of profound scholarship. It traces in an impressive manner the topic of creation through the Old and New Testaments, the patristic and medieval periods, and the present. The book is not simply a history of the topic of creation, but a masterful and learned interpretation of an increasingly pressing subject. I could not recommend this book highly enough. It is Owen Cummings at his best.”
—M. Francis Mannion, pastor emeritus, St. Vincent de Paul Parish