This story imaginatively tries to understand the meaning of the ancient Jewish sanctuary and its services from the perspective of a group of young Israelites wandering in the desert for forty years. The lessons they might have derived from their discussions with Betsalel, the man chosen by name by God to make the tabernacle where God planned to dwell with his people, are explored. Betsalel connects them with Moses, inspires them to teach others, so that on the borders of the promised land the people are ready to move forward and follow God's plans for conquest. The narrative also explores how understanding the tabernacle services can inform Christian theology and prophetic interpretation.
Elizabeth Ellen Ostring, MB, ChB, MMin, PhD, a retired physician, married, with adult twins, is currently an adjunct lecturer in the Theology Department of Avondale University, Australia, and has pastoral roles in her local church. She and her husband worked as missionaries in Asia for many years, before running their own practice. She is the author of Just 30 Minutes (2013), Crafting a Symphony in Wood (2016), Be a Blessing (2016), Tyra (2021), and Hannah (2024).
“When we read some descriptions of the Tabernacle in the Pentateuch, it can be rather boring and distant from us. But this book makes it interesting through imaginative dialogues between characters in the story. With wit and simplicity, the questions many would struggle with reading through the Pentateuch are beautifully answered. I would recommend it to anyone.”
—Danijela Schubert, senior executive, Operation Food for Life
“Elizabeth Ostring promises a work of ‘imaginative narrative theology,’ and she delivers on her promise. She brings to life biblical characters left at the margins, proving that they are worth our time. Ostring shows that their journey in ancient times offers direction for us and that we, too, are called by name to build for God. I found many illuminating surprises in her book and much food for thought.”
—Sigve K. Tonstad, research professor of biblical interpretation, Loma Linda University
“This book is meticulously researched and well written. It is educational, engaging, and manages complicated subjects candidly and compassionately. The stories come alive and become relevant to today. I enjoyed the attention to detail and vibrant colors as well as relatable, well-rounded characters. This book is sure to appeal to everyone, young and old and is a must-read for all.”
—Adrienne Ackermann, retired general practitioner
“I have been reading Betsalel with delight and in detail. This is an important book with nothing else like it. It is perfect for teens, though young people and adults will also enjoy it. The world needs this book.”
—Eileen Baildam, elder, Ringway Seventh Day Adventist Church