Restore Such a One
Holistic Restoration for Ministers, Families, and Churches Following a Sexual Moral Failure
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
Widespread deficiencies in spiritual formation see an increasing number of ministers buckle under the significant burdens common to the task. There are seasons when a powerful triad of the flesh, the world, and the devil converge (Eph 2:2-3, cf. Jas 3:15 and 1 John 2:16). Misdirected attempts to fulfill emptiness, find worth, or heal longstanding wounds ensue. Widespread instances of sexual immorality result. Sound exegesis and analysis of theological doctrine presents an allowance, in certain cases, for ministerial restoration. However, this necessitates an intimate and intricate approach that differs significantly from the varied solutions churches and denominations offer. Few restoration programs bring a biblical response to bear. Remarkably rare are restoration programs that look to correct causal factors and commit to congregational care. This program orients itself on an understanding of brokenness and the need for holistic (re)formation. The latter requires fallen ministers to progress beyond biblical confession and repentance to partner with the Holy Spirit and key authorities such as an overseer, mentors, Christian mental health professionals, and a designated congregation. The unitive goal is a "sanctifying psychopathology" that properly diagnoses spiritual and emotional health; eradicates the adverse influences of emotional, cultural, and spiritual factors; and redirects self-oriented patterns of thought and behavior.
Lance M, Bacon is assistant professor of Christian theology and ministry at Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He has served as a senior pastor in the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) since 2003. He is the author of The Scariest Word in the Bible (2018).
“Moral failure in church leadership continues to make the news, destroying lives and compromising the witness of the church. In this book, Lance Bacon provides the church with a deliberate and systematic response to sexual misconduct in the church. His scholarly and highly practical treatment of this important topic serves to inoculate ministers against problems that are viral in the church and provides a clear pathway for the restoration of broken ministers.”
—James T. Flynn, associate dean of instruction and operations, School of Divinity, Regent University
“All too often, churches are ill-equipped to handle instances of moral failure within the ranks of its pastoral leadership. In many cases, such failure is swept under the proverbial rug of the church or forever held over the head of the guilty. Lance Bacon’s work compels us to avoid both extremes by addressing the nature and practice of ‘restoration’ from a scriptural perspective. This book is a well-researched and biblically informed treatment of one of the most important issues facing the church today. I cannot imagine a timelier and more important work.”
—Scott Adams, assistant professor, School of Divinity, Regent University
“As we journey through a life of calling, sometimes unfortunate decisions cause heartache and an interruption of ministry. Recovery from spiritual and moral battles comes through a recommitment to the original call and a grateful heart for saving grace.”
—Tim Hill, presiding bishop, Church of God, Cleveland, TN
“Unfortunately, the church has not been on the frontlines of dealing with the issues of sexual immorality in relation to our ministers—until now! Lance Bacon has given the church a scholarly resource that will help us navigate the murky waters of sexual failure. This resource is both academic and practical. Bacon helps us to identify negative behaviors that lead to such moral collapse, as well as sound biblical solutions to restore our brothers and sisters back into the church and their calling.”
—Michael A. Ball, national evangelist, Church of God
“The first step toward recovery is admitting there’s a problem. Lance Bacon’s work is an apt intervention for the global church, attempting to convince us that there is a problem with a cascade of undeniable evidence. This book is a revealing light or magnifying mirror oriented toward the inner life of the minister. Pastor, do not look away. Reflect on the current clergy carnage, take stock of your soul, and embrace Bacon’s lead by committing to work in ministerial recovery and restoration—a work that is no quick fix.”
—Steve Hall, associate professor of pastoral ministry, Lee University
“How will today’s congregation respond after the cyclone of ministerial moral failure wreaks its havoc? In this work, Lance Bacon offers piquant, scripturally sound practical insight on arguably the foremost pitfall facing ecclesial leaders today. Informed by decades of firsthand pastoral experience, Bacon’s well-researched, comprehensive guide for restoring the fallen minister presents a compelling, step-by-step roadmap through the wilderness of indiscretion. This book is a must-read for sexually offending clergy, their families, the victims, and fellow congregants immersed in such a storm or weathering through its aftermath.”
—Paul J. Palma, author of Embracing Our Roots: Rediscovering the Value of Faith, Family, and Tradition
“Today, there are many and varied significant issues in contemporary ministry that result in consequential impact. One issue that is unexpected and brings a myriad of questions is instances of sexual immorality by ministers. The query for information includes why, how, and causal factors. Lance Bacon presents a relevant approach to the magnitude of Galatians 6:1, ‘If anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, Restore Such a One in a spirit of gentleness.’ Every ministry leader, pastor, church leader and layperson will find this book filled with theological insight, spiritual guidance, and practical engagement. This is one book to read again and again!”
—Michael L. Baker, president, Pentecostal Theological Seminary