Through the Fire
by Eric Luppold
Imprint: Resource Publications
Nikkal and her husband, Tobi, help manage the family's farm near the city of Rabbah. Although the birth of their first child has brought them joy, the past several years saw drought, famine, and pestilence in the land of Canaan. Furthermore, after forty years of silence the Israelites have invaded, making the future more uncertain than ever.
Pressured to honor Moloch, the Ammonites' chief god, Nikkal agrees to pass her only son through the fire. But, as doubt and guilt eat away at her, she begins to wonder if the God of Israel is actually the one worth following.
Eric Luppold has served as an Air Force officer for eighteen years. After earning degrees in both history and theology, he wrote two books, Into the Tempest and Image of Gold, and launched the Governed by God podcast. Eric lives with his wife and three children in southeastern Pennsylvania, where he currently serves in the Pennsylvania Air National Guard and also teaches at his local church.
“Through the Fire is a fascinating novel set in the period of the Israelite conquest that vividly depicts the debauchery and resultant despair of false religion contrasted with the hopeful redemptive work of Yahweh God. Eric Luppold masterfully weaves together events from biblical history, draws out societal sins that parallel our own, and insightfully depicts the theological themes of sin, redemption, hope, forgiveness, and mercy in this hard-to-put-down book. I thoroughly enjoyed it and believe you will too.”
—Aaron Rock, pastor, Harvest Windsor Church
“Through the Fire hits on multiple levels. From gut-wrenching grief to suspenseful fight scenes, this riveting story takes the reader through the devastating evil of the ancient gods to the hope of redemption found in the only true God! With historical accuracy and realistic characters, this is a story that begs you to turn the pages.”
—Tim Ackley, pastor, Cornerstone Church