Jamie Howison is a priest of the Anglican Church of Canada and the founding pastoral leader of saint benedict's table in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He was ordained in the Diocese of Rupert's Land in 1987, and has remained in his home diocese, ministering in parish contexts--including serving as pastor for the first fully amalgamated Anglican/Lutheran congregation in Canada--as well as in campus and institutional chaplaincy. A member of the Primate's Theological Commission of the Anglican Church of Canada from 2004 to 2010, he has also been a short-term resident scholar at the Collegeville Institute in 2009, 2011, 2014, and 2016, and was named a Burke Library Scholar-in-Residence at New York's Union Theological Seminary for the winter of 2011. Jamie is the author of God's Mind in that Music: Theological Explorations through the Music of John Coltrane (Cascade, 2012) and A Kind of Solitude (Resource, 2021), and the co-author with Steve Bell of I Will Not Be Shaken: a songwriter's journey through the Psalms (Signpost, 2015).
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