Rick Kennedy
Rick Kennedy is professor of history and environmental studies at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego. He is the author of Aristotelian and Cartesian Logic at Harvard: Morton's System of Logick, and Brattle's Compendium of Logick (1995), Faith at State: A Handbook for Christians at Secular Universities (1995, reprint 2002), Student Notebooks at Colonial Harvard: Manuscripts and Educational Practice, 1650-1740. Co-written with Thomas Knoles and Lucia Zaucha Knoles (2003), A History of Reasonableness: Testimony and Authority in the Art of Thinking (2004), Jesus, History, and Mount Darwin: An Academic Excursion, (2008), The First American Evangelical: A Short Life of Cotton Mather (2015), John and Acts, vol. 8 of Cotton Mather's Biblia Americana, 10 vols. Reiner Smolinski and Jan Stievermann, general editors. Co-edited with Harry Clark Maddux and Rebecca Stephens Falcasantos (2023).