Universalism Booth, Pt. 2 / David W. Congdon / Existential Universalism

The Universalism Booth is a series of interviews on Christian universalism, exploring several different angles from which the theological position is taken up. The interviewees range widely in their approaches to universalism, represented roughly as evangelical, existential, and patristic.

David W. Congdon is Senior Editor at the University Press of Kansas, where he acquires in the fields of politics, law, religion, US history, and Indigenous studies. He is also an instructor at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary. He is the author of several books, including most recently Varieties of Christian Universalism: Exploring Four Views (Baker, 2023) and Who Is a True Christian? Contesting Religious Identity in American Culture (Cambridge, 2024).

* For more universalism content, see our two-part series on the topic with David Artman:

– Part 1: https://wipfandstock.com/blog/2023/07/11/david-artman-christian-universalism-pt-1/

– Part 2: https://wipfandstock.com/blog/2023/07/25/david-artman-christian-universalism-pt-2/


Varieties of Christian Universalism: https://bakeracademic.com/p/Varieties-of-Christian-Universalism-David-W-Congdon/516433

The God Who Saves: https://wipfandstock.com/9781608998272/the-god-who-saves/

Who Is a True Christian?: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/who-is-a-true-christian/2DA88468C8824BD55EBE9AE94CFCDF73

Rudolf Bultmann: A Companion to His Theology: https://wipfandstock.com/9781625647481/rudolf-bultmann/

– Dr. Congdon’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/dwcongdon

– Dr. Congdon’s website: https://www.dwcongdon.com/

*The Theology Mill and Wipf and Stock Publishers would like to thank Luca Di Alessandro for making their song “A Celestial Keyboard” available for use as the podcast’s transition music. Link to license: https://pixabay.com/service/license-summary/.


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