Jack Haberer / Leading the Full Spectrum Church in a Red-and-Blue World

Jack Haberer was raised Roman Catholic, became a Jesus freak, was formed in faith by Baptists, Pentecostals, Charismatics, Methodists, Non-denominationals, and finally ordained a Presbyterian, earning three academic degrees in the process. He has served influential churches as pastor—in twenty-two of which he preached to rocket scientists. The congregations flourished. He has written three earlier books and served as editor of The Presbyterian Outlook for nine years. He is the author of Swimming with the Sharks: Leading the Full Spectrum Church in a Red-and-Blue World (Cascade, 2024).

Show Notes


Swimming with the Sharks (book): https://wipfandstock.com/9798385210404/swimming-with-the-sharks/

GodViews (book): https://www.wjkbooks.com/Products/0664501907/godviews.aspx

– Jack’s website: https://jackhaberer.com/

*The Theology Mill and Wipf and Stock Publishers would like to thank Luca Di Alessandro for making their song “A Celestial Keyboard” available for use as the podcast’s transition music. Link to license: https://pixabay.com/service/license-summary/.


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